Ken didn’t buy me flowers nor did he receive a gift from me this Valentine’s Day… or any other Valentine’s Day for that matter. A complaint? Haha… No no, lemme explain.
Since the early days when we first got married (more than 10+years ago), this was simply something we discussed about and mutually decided – To NOT celebrate Valentine’s Day! Other than it being over commercialized, ridiculously difficult to even have a meal with everywhere fully reserved, plus everything is hiked up in price, the pragmatic in us simply couldn’t see the romance in making this our special day while having to share it with thousands of other couples. Though, I still think it’s sweet and swoon when i see cute couples celebrating! It’s just not for us…
The events we agreed to celebrate are my birthday, his birthday and our wedding anniversary! Which I’m kinda really thankful for, on hindsight.. Being married for so long and for many more years to come, it’s not the easiest thing to buy gifts for each other and plan quality celebrations! #justbeinghonest
So Valentine’s Day for us is more of a Friendship Day than Lover’s Day… haha!
Here’s how we spent the week of Love & yupz totally still in CNY mode….