1.      Tell us briefly about yourself and your family

My husband and I are on this exciting journey as first time parents to our adorable SG50 baby, Axl Sim!

I am a full time working mummy that loves motherhood and all things fashion… hence, my blog name “Runway Mummy”! I truly believe that being a mum doesn’t mean the end of yourself and it need not be all-consuming either. As a mum, you can still pursue your passions and live your dreams while being an awesome mum to your child; at the same time, looking, and more importantly, feeling great!

2.      What do you blog about?

Beyond recording Lil X’s milestones and growth (they grow up too fast!), I’d share different facets of my life like my experiences as a new mummy, my love for all things fashion and beauty, my travel adventures and simply… Life!

3.      Why did you start blogging?

I realized that there were so many milestones and beautiful memories that might otherwise be lost if I didn’t record them down. Well, that and also because I tend to forget them easily as I never really recovered from the whole pregnancy memory loss thingy! 😂

4.      What motivates/inspires you to blog?

I love the thought of Lil X one day reading about these times of his life that he wont be able to remember. I also think it’ll be the sweetest thing for him to read about all the love and joy he’s brought into our lives through my eyes!

Plus when my readers comment or write to me telling me how they can relate and feel encouraged by what I’ve shared, it really spurs me on.

5.      How do you find time to blog? How long do you see yourself doing this?

After he sleeps at around 9pm, I’d rush to settle any outstanding work emails, finish the household chores and then start working on the blog. It’s not always easy, I’m not going to lie.. And it requires a lot of discipline too!

But I find it therapeutic, downloading my thoughts to the blog. In fact, it’s become the little “me time” that I look forward to every night!

6.      What is the most challenging thing about motherhood?

At this stage, it’s probably balancing the many roles I have to juggle… Sometimes I have to consciously remind myself to be a wife, or a daughter or not to neglect my friends.

7.      What do you enjoy most about being a mum?

One of the things I’m really enjoying is seeing the world through his eyes… The childlike wonder to appreciate and enjoy the simplest things in life that we adults often easily overlook because of the busy-ness or jadedness of life.

8.      What do you hope for this Mother’s Day? What does Mother’s Day mean to you now?

There are many times where we don’t have all the answers and we’re figuring out the best for our child, learning through trial and error… So I hope to have that special grace and wisdom to bring up a healthy and happy Lil X!

With this newfound respect I have for mothers, Mother’s Day is really a time and opportunity for me to express my appreciation for the mothers in my life!

Daddy’s Wardrobe : @thisisforhimshop (Get a special 10% off when you key in RUNWAYMUMMY at checkout)

Photographer : @sherminasm

Venue & Set Design : @andsoforthsg

Link to interview: Click HERE (Pg2)